"One Little Word - 2022"
Hi Friends, I hope you are all well and things are good in your part of the world!!! I had a bit of a spill, last Thursday morning at work. I hit the right side of my face, shoulder, elbow, arm, ribs, etc.....I wasn't rushing, just doing my job and it just happened..... I am very bruised and sore, so off work for a week. Luckily this time, I didn't break anything and I am healing. "The older you are the longer your body takes to recover" Anyway.........This is keeping me pretty quiet, which is probably a good thing. I have been able to think about 2022 a bit and my "One Little Word" for the New Year. If you don't know what this is check out this blog by Ali Edwards who started it all in 2006........ "HERE" I don't bother with resolutions as they bore me. I choose a word to carry with during the year, that I can use in my daily life.......... I may not do something with it every day but that is ok. I do what I feel like doing. So...
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